Three Minute Money Tips with Joyce Feustel and Janine Bolon - Tracking Where Your Business Comes From

Joyce Feustel – Tracking Where Your Business Comes From3 min read

Janine Bolon: Hello and welcome to this episode of the Three-Minute Money Tip. I am Janine Bolon. Today, I am joined by Joyce Feustel who helps people, especially those are over the age of fifty to become more effective with their social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. She works with business owners, development professionals, consultants, job seekers ranging from entrepreneurs to people in huge, large corporations. You can find her stuff at Today’s Three-Minute Money Tip is tracking where your business comes from. It is not quite what you think. Go for it, Joyce. Tell us about it.

Joyce Feustel: Thank you so much, Janine. Folks out there, what kind of system or systems do you use to know where your business comes from? Is it referrals? Is it the internet? Is it the organizations you belong to? It could be some kind of a combination. That combination is often the case for me. I am going to give you an example, looking right here at my spreadsheet of a corporate training that I did on Monday, where did that gig come from? Where did that money come from, and that opportunity? It came sort of directly, because a woman in the HR part, human resources part of this large corporation, a year ago, had attended a training I did for a professional organization that she belongs to. But that, keep in mind, was a year ago. She took me up on my offer of having a thirty-minute complimentary session, just me and her, helping her with LinkedIn. By the way that training, that the association that she belongs to was on LinkedIn.

Joyce: So we had the training and she was very happy with it. Then a while goes by and she said, “You know, I think my manager would really appreciate that thirty-minute complimentary training. She is a member of the same organization, would that be okay?” I said, “Well, of course, I would be happy to help your manager.” Well, then a little more time goes by and then she says, “We would love to have you come and put together this training and do a press[?],” and I said, “Here is my corporate training rate,” and they were cool with it.

Joyce: Well, let us peel this onion back a bit further. How was I sitting, a year ago, doing a webinar on Zoom with the members of that organization for this woman was in the audience so to speak? It happened because the person who was in charge of that group speaker recruitment put a post up on Facebook. Who should see that post? Her Facebook friend who is also a friend and business colleague of mine. So as soon as that person who is with the association put up the Facebook post, “We are looking for someone to do virtual LinkedIn training,” then my friend put my name, tagged me, put it right up there, immediately putting me in touched with that person from the organization.

Joyce: We need to go back even a little further. How did I meet my dear business friend? It was at least five years ago, through a local business networking organization for which I get probably 60% to 70% of my business. Not just that one organization, all my local business networking, but that organization, year after year has led the pack. Now, who do I credit with the source of that business? The speaking engagement, the client, my friend and that original organization. How about that? So I want you to be peeling the onion of your lives to see where your money is coming from.

Janine: And that is Joyce Feustel, helping people ages fifty and up, especially them on how to use social media, LinkedIn and Facebook especially to drive your business forward. You can find more free stuff from her at It is worth your time and energy to go look this woman up. She knows what she is talking about. And this is Janine Bolon with the Three-Minute Money Tip. We will see you next week.


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