Three Minute Money Tips with Jade Alexander and Janine Bolon - Saving Money on Video

Jade Alexander – Saving Money on Video5 min read

Janine Bolon: Hello and welcome to the three-minute money tip. I am Janine Bolon and today I have with me, none other than videographer Jade Alexander who has a gift for breaking down those complex and intimidating concepts that we call videography. You know YouTube is big now and all of a sudden business owners and people of all ages, shapes, and sizes are being asked to do video and I do not care if you have iMovie on your Mac. There are still things that you need to do and she is here to help you. She has been teaching everything from business marketing, to ballroom dance, to foreign language, basically since she was 13 years old, so that this is a woman you definitely want to pay attention to. Now she is best known for her funny and kind of off the cuff speaking style. She draws in audiences with her stories while giving them an easy, as well as a universal way to stay current within the world of video and internet marketing. So Jade’s approach will basically show you how to pivot your business or your life, depending upon what you are doing with video, to excel in this crazy ever-changing world that we all find ourselves a part of. Thank you so much for being with us today Jade.

Jade Alexander: Hi Janine, thank you so much for having me I am so excited for this, you have no idea.

Janine All right, so you have got three minutes my friend, go.

Jade: So as a lot of us know when it comes to videography, it can be very expensive and cost prohibitive in some ways, and the best way to save money when it comes to video is not necessarily always doing it yourself, but to make sure that you have your editing skills down, not how to edit but how to perform or present yourself in a way that it makes it easier for your editor to get it done right, because let us be honest it is 90% of what the videographers and editors do comes into that time. So my first thing I like to tell everyone to do is have notes whether they are a little sticky note, with little bullet points on it, or if it is something where you want to really write it down and storyboard that is up to you, but here is why you want to do it.

A ,if you do things in the right order, your editor does not have to swap things around and you do not have to tell them, “Okay, well what I said over here at three minutes, it really should have been at the 10-minute mark.” you can just do it in order. The second thing with that is you will not go down the rabbit hole. I know so many of you out there are brilliant, you know so much about your topic and one thing can lead to another especially if you are an extrovert or speaker and you can just like talk, talk, talk. So this will also help you stay on point. Now some of you are not in the luxury position of being able to permanently set up your studio, so continuity matters, and what I mean by that is if you have ever seen a movie where you notice like a main character’s hair is different, they are wearing different colored shirt, or something takes you out of it, right? So what you want to make sure is that everything is placed in the one way you have calibrated and you do not have to keep calibrating every time. So grab some masking tape or painters tape mark off your floor, especially when you have to tear down your studio because you have kids, or dogs, or whatever, and you can put everything back in the place that it belongs. Now another way to save your editor a lot of time is to do a sound clap before every single thing you record and I am literally mean whether it is on your Zoom meeting that you are recording, or DSLR, or even your cell phone sit down take a breath do a clap, wait a few seconds and then start talking.

And the reason you want to do that it’s going to give your editor a place to start, they know where the beginning and the end are. Now if you make a mistake while you are talking, which let us be honest, everyone does. What you need to do is first take a breath and pause, or if you ramble through and just kind of the muddle through something, pause start with the last word you used, and then keep going. So that way your editor can stitch those two things together and you do not have to do a retake because retake sucks they are so hard to do or you know you did a really good job in the first half, and then the second half fell off and you are like, “I do not know”, and again the fewer notes you can give your editor or the fewer notes you remind yourself to do the faster it is going to take. So the next thing to do is with your body language, if you make a mistake in what you are saying pose yourself the way you were, so that way they do not have to go back and forth and figure out what needs to go where and how they can stitch it together. Just pause, breathe and get it forward. And Janine, I think that was my quick money tip on how to save time and effort when editing.

Janine Thank you so much. One of the things I love about the three-minute money to if as I call on amazing highly educated very skillful people, and I am like, how can you help us save money in three minutes, and they always come out just in spades. So thank you so much for joining us today Jade [crosstalk] and this is Janine Bolon with the three-minute money tip. Have a great day.

Jade: Thank you.

Visit Jade’s website here.


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